Idea to keep using sunscreen
Any good exercise or weight loss programs?
Anyone on immunosuppressive therapy and still working?
Pill Management
Help Us Name Our New Puppy! 🐶✨
I’m adopting this sweet girl and need help with a name starting with B
“No Words” (Analog)
People censoring / reporting art here are truly ignorant of what collage is about. It’s a shame to see my political art muted - [analog] is about having a say, expressing ideas. It’s NOT about boring nothing!
We are rescuing each other on Saturday. Her name is Lady but she seems cooler than that. What would you name her?
Any ideas for a good name for my cat?
Fit in the box, don’t cross the lines [Analog]
“Fit in the box, don’t cross the lines.” Analog
Fit in the box, don’t cross the lines
[analog] chestnut street east
Any suggestions for a good printer for printing images to collage with a scanner function?
[Discussion] New organization hack I came up with tonight. So much better than throwing them into ziplock bags. How does everyone else organize their materials?
A short and cute name for this little one please
Weird question: would wildfires cause a significant change in BM pressure and there for trigger a flare?
What do you think of when you see this?
Finished this, and am curious of the best way to seal/varnish/protect it in some way. [Analog] & [Discussion]
When you create an analog piece do you seal it somehow?
“A cosmic touch” [digital]
Looking for a daily collage notebook that I could fill a page a day for a year.
Are there any other lupus patients who are grad students or academics?
I don’t know if I should go to the hospital after my shift today