I absolutely hate my name & wanna change it when I turn 18
Take one last look at what you thought was your dream, Adelltk, digital, 2025
Name for this boy. No human names more bada$$ names.
My acrylic painting of a stormy promenade…
Why do I not know what I have until it's gone?
I curse myself every hour of every day, and I don't know what to do
Female mini schnauzer suggestions please!
its a blue one with no title :)
Help me find my one word
Give my dog a name.
Would love some critiques on the single cover I made for a friend !
Some fun cat studies I did a little while back! :)
Okay name nerds, we are going to allow you to pick our daughter's name for us.
Just rescued. Having a hard time naming him.
I saw my good looking cousin's Instagram DMs and I was flabbergasted
Name ideas??
You become a 10/10 on the scale of attractiveness, but...
Another portrait study! ✂️
Which glasses position? Or none?
My first double knitting project
How Do I Get Over Being Bullied For My Art In The Past? It’s Preventing Me From Improving
The Brush Cleaner, me, 36x24” oil on canvas
I called my girlfriend “Easy to draw” is it an insult?
Chat for penny stock trader