Would a greyhound be okay living with me in a small studio apartment for ~2 months?
Lost my Honor Mode run in the final mission because of a glitch 🙃
Elon Musk is an exceptionally stupid person.
Does anyone have any clue when "logic games" are gonna be removed from the LSAT
Question for anyone taking Behavioral Nueroscience with Dr. Karkhanis
Question for anyone who is playing Repentance on a Mac using Crossover
Which do you think is harder: Mother or Dogma/The Beast?
"Whatever happened to good old-fashioned town pride?" "It's been going downhill ever since the lake caught fire"
What is the difference between Circulating Recombinant Forms of HIV and Unique Recombinant Forms of HIV?
Weekly Discussion/General Questions Thread - November 16, 2020
Why Fallout: New Vegas is the worst Fallout Game.
I got a question I knew the answer to wrong on an exam because I made a careless mistake
You spawn in the last video game you played, 100% completion is required before you can come back, how screwed are you?
Practice test scores keep dropping, need advice
I'm having trouble studying for my LSAT because of my new anti-depressants
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Set to Host the 2021 Golden Globes
You better pack it up fascist
Are there any closeted Trump Supporters at BU?
I just won a smash tournament as Little Mac while high on cough syrup
Has anyone here taken Cellular Neurobiology?
Should I write an addendum about being hospitalized in a psych ward?
Hold up
What’re everyone’s favorite ditto matches?
What's the worst thing that is being shown in a positive light because of social media?
This sums up growing up perfectly