Can I postpone my rehab and still get good results?
Spørsmål før flytting
Real estate agent asking to leave apartment during showing. Not legal?
Yay or Nay: Private Cabin Wedding? Looking for Pros & Cons :)
On a 240+ day streak on duolingo. Although I know alot of vocabulary thanks to it, but I feel I should start watching kids spanish shows but in english subtitles. What yall think? I want to be fluent!
I found a hack that lets me tolerate folding laundry.
How do yall fair with phonecalls?
Am I the only one bothered by this tiny piece of negative space in Falstaff’s Guide to Humans?
advice on getting back to traveling (hiking and running)
After doing 100 anki cards a day for 20 days, I understand why people are so against it
Would using a unpublished manuscript for an assignment cause issues in publication?
Recommend a [Digital] Reading Setup for Me
Job for foreigners
Learning multiple languages
Marrying a Norwegian
What's the first native spanish content that really got you hooked?
How affordable or unaffordable is Norway really? Recently got a job offer.
AITA for asking my boyfriend to stop wearing suits outside of work?
10 days post op. It's there I swear
Pimsleur Lifetime vs discounted yearly subscription
Cost of Living - Salary Negotiation
Is going to grad school abroad decent option if you study ecology?
should i get acl reconstruction surgery or try to rehab. Doc recommends surgery but i'd rather not if i don't need to. Mri
For those that sentence mine, use flashcards, or do other spaced repetition practices, what does your process look like?