Is it worth getting
Bring back dropshot!
Craziest comeback i've seen in 3s in C3+
Anyone else getting that crackhead tingle for competitive Drop Shot coming back??
RLStats Pre-Major Power Rankings
me returning to adulthood after dropping my kid off at school
The two sides of RLCS | Edit by me
did I cook with my power rankings? (ranked left to right)
when are we going to actually get something good
First attempt, tell me how to improve!
What's game that you always keep coming back to????
Why doesn't Mawkzy have a team?
Non of those painted inverted Reaper wheels come close to the unpainted version
If you could make custom quick chats, what would you choose? excluding bannable profanity lol
Jack Daniel's is being removed from shelves in canada
Amazon Boycott Begins Friday, Includes Whole Foods, Prime, Twitch
Champions aren’t born - they’re made on the field. Are you up next?
Bakersfield Congressman Vince Fong’s phone number in DC is (202) 225-2915
What a beautiful day
Fail #2. Help please
Can I cheer? Can I call it a winner?
If you think Rocket League, what song come to your mind directly?
what’d ya think lads?