Salsa or Bachata in Rome?
Where can I dance salsa and bachata on December 25th in Rome Italy?
Instagram without explore page but still with the ability to remain anonymous when reading people's messages
How are they able to store all this under the dress? Like WTF
I walked for 76 kilometers(and bussed 40 kilometers) from UofTSG to uWaterloo, with 2 strangers from the internet
How do I find out how much money I'm going to get for University Of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students (UTAPS) program? Would the amount be similar to last year? I want to be able to plan my budget for the academic year
Fat Man Pull-ups- yes, I know form is crap but I'm working my way up to a single regular pullup
Help. how do I talk to short people? I'm open to new suggestions. 6"3 short king here
Help. how do I talk to short people? I'm open to suggestions in the chat ☺️
is myinsta safe to use?
Dating, algorithms, and love as a commodity. help me find peer-reviewed sources
On what can I get addicted and it's good?
Female gymnast… Better looking arms than I have
Do you know any free outdoor events happening this upcoming weekend? DM me with the details
are there any events happening this weekend May 17th 18th 19th and 20th? 2024
turning off Instagram reels
any dating apps with the Revanced treatment?
AMA - Open to students wondering about Ivey HBA at Western University
What is the best university in Canada?