AIO for being upset with my boyfriend?
Get what?
What's the most satisfying defeat of a bad guy in movie history?
Are these good clubs for a beginner?
No one deserves this- Mother in tears as she shares her struggles to afford life saving insulin for her 9 year old son
Literal baller
What's yours?
Would you let your 12 year old child watch game of thrones?
Mocking disabled people 🤮
That time of the year is almost here!
Dinner recommendation for our first night in London?
What's the best music moment in a movie?
The magic makeup brush - Illuminati Edition
Are ‘starters’ a purely American thing?
He sacrificed become a world champion to help his exhausted brother cross the finish line.
Enoch Brown School Massacre
AITA for shrugging when my dad's wife told me they need all of dad's money right now?
My son despises me
"When I'm drunk I dance like my dad" - what UK lyrics do you identify with?
To get the crowd to sing along multiple times
Quarantine has given me plenty of time to paint. Here’s the tape peel from my most recent one.
What is your favorite film scene, where the good guy knows he has won, before the antagonist realizes it?
How do you personally cope with grief?
A homeless man kidnapped a child
Whats the best joke you've heard in the show?