The sun made me nails look prettier
A Traveler’s Warning
You thought you lived alone, but you were wrong.
Books with creepy house vibes
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
Mooncat bottle broke 🥺
longest my nails have ever been
Name a twenty one pilots song with emojis and I’ll try to guess it
admiring my mani
new sunday mani
week two
Preparing for Loss
What is the pettiest reason you stopped dating someone?
What’s an NSFW skill that you think is actually empowering?
Came home from a 12 hour shift and had to leave this note about the fresh loaf of bread on my dad’s lunch box
Jschlatt has Hypertension??
Books that feel like this
Anyone 18+ are you really "doom spending"?
Show your fave non-gym outfit (that shows off the gains!)
What is the first major news story you remember as a kid?
A Wild Crow Is A Friend To A Child
Why were you bullied?
Any books that feel like this?
Movies that emotionally affected you long after watching?
In response to freezing temperatures, alligators will poke their nose slightly above water level and allow the water to freeze around them in order to survive. This is happening right now in Eastern NC.