Hitfall 3.5 Commentary Lineup Revealed!
Final Top 16 seeding for Hitfall 3.5
Hitfall 3.5 Community Showcase | Combo Video
cardigan guide
Wes Johnson (Voice actor in The Elder Scrolls games, Fallout, Starfield) is reportingly in battle for his life in an intensive care unit
Has anyone ever gotten a job from one of the job fairs/mixers here on campus?
Added rail height?
The Workshop Singles roster for Hitfall 3.5 has been announced!
RoA 2 longevity
Is this controller tourney legal?
New venue location and registration for Hitfall 3.5 has been announced!
Mastodon vs Bluesky is a new standards war
With how Bluesky and the AT Protocol has been getting popular, how do you all think that will influence ActivityPub's development in terms of features?
A statement from the Hitfall team regarding the upcoming closure of Xanadu Games
Bluesky headlines...but is there also an influx to Mastodon?
PSA: Running the game on low-end computers
LACS Rivals - Tournament Day 1's Results
Are People not Watching/Discussing Tournaments Here?
Do you think we'll see more of Clairen's partners? Goss (bird), Reuss (frog) and Burnette (Dhole)
Some are claiming 'The game *feels* bad compared to Rivals1', is there a list of reasons to why people think that?
Keyboard gaming
Rivals 2 Local Scene
I found all the graphics for top 50 rankings over 8 seasons - here they are! Couldn't find one for season 3 though, so it's self-made and not as smooth as the other ones. Also, no info on people's mains for season 1, which is a bit sad.
15 years ago Paramore released their third album 'brand new eyes'
Lady Gaga says her "unhinged" next album is "nothing like 'Chromatica'"