Can "Wanting to Avoid Negative PR" be used as a legal defense to a Discrimination/Wrongful Termination lawsuit?
Would a jury have convicted Bill Clinton of Perjury and or Obstruction of Justice?
Did Tory’s Aunt Kandace never get her comeuppance?
What spinoffs are you hoping for?
Do you Maddie Nears would be friends with
How many more seasons do you think this
I can’t wait for season 3 of School Spirits! 😭
COVID19 never happened in Cobra Kai?
[Season 3-6] Sam Larusso is a great character!
How did you all first find out about the show?
Thank God they didn't hook up in the end
What spin off are we hoping for?
I guess the writers forgot about her...
Cobra Kai came out a few months after I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer
I think the Cobra Kai spin off should focus on these Two characters…
What is your opinion on season 2 does it deserve more or less criticism
(Theories/Speculation) Why did Xavier
Damn. Greg cooked Stingray the entire conversation.
No matter what happens in S6 Part 3, Robby
On this day in 1984, Daniel defeated Johnny at the All Valley with the crane kick
Referee in season 5 episode 8 Sekai Tekai tryout
Can a Judge appeal being removed/disqualified from a case?
As someone who loved Demetri in past seasons…
It's not April 10, 2020 that appears on Daniel's cell phone in 6x07.
(Season 6 Episode 10) Kwon and Axel