This Suyou was complaining that it was a 3v1 because our Sun was using his clones
Why have my battles gotten so hard?
How tf does this thing weigh less than a cow?
Seriously what the hell?
This is depressing
Behold, a dancing goddess
That's a lot of dark elixir my base is offering.
Over 9000 true damage in roughly 2 seconds
She really is part assassin
Couldn't have done it without you, Balmond
This is bullying
Most normal Karina play ever
A Worthy Sacrifice
It was his first game on Atlas, but he listened and got there by the end
The absolute skill she displays firing at Zhuxin while scaring off the ghost that tries to flank her!
5 man Tigreal ult
Fat lord snipe
Ruby's disappointment is just beautiful here
Bane's bouncy balls do really hurt
Nolan really thought he got away for a second there
Bro lost more than half his HP in an instant but still came back for more
Brody just got snapped out of existence
Just the pure disappointment Helcurt's team immediately shows after that steal
Lord steal + a kill on a very angry Uranus