Mohamed light added me in cr
Is evo cannon worth it?
Xbow 3.0 still viable??
Which song made you cry
Cards that deserve an evo
Middle finger emote?
Powers scaling bad.
What is Your Version of Your “Guiding Moonlight”?
Clans are useless
This isn't a hammer... THIS IS A HAMMER!! (keep sound on 🤣)
what does my deck say about me?
Turned 18 and my dad handed me a cigar.
what causes losing streaks and do they make me a bad player?
I am so done with this game
How do I beat this guy?
Loading screen isn’t really “Retro”
What emote pisses you off the most ?
Who else remember when this was the final arena?
Just gonna leave this here
How is crap like this allowed to exist? Where did it all go so wrong?
This is currently the highest rated deck in the game. Where did it all go so wrong?
I like to turn down the pitch of the audio when I'm watching porn.