An Aquarius told me we talk about “cool sh*t” at 1am
I don't get it
FaceTime Reflection
Maybe I’m just horny.
Can employers restrict employee shifts to avoid paying overtime?
Good ol’ facebook memes
Got this text the night before a flight to London
What’s this bird and how do I get rid of it?
What did you learn that helped you the most in navigating modern dating nowadays?
ONS lecturing me about ONS
What did you do as a result of your quarter-life crisis?
Egg appreciation post
What disturbing movie scenes will stay with you forever?
What quote from That 70’s Show do you use in your everyday life?
I’m quitting my 40k a year job to become a cocktail waitress
What's the worst thing about big boobs?
Anyone’s pop tart ever looked like this????
People in a relationship who like cuddling: Do you cuddle throughout the entire night sleeping?
As a man that thinks astrology is interesting, this was a disappointing interaction lol
Audio Recordings at work?
What famous person didn't deserve all the hate that they got?
Is this an actual hospital?
Any idea what this game is?