Tanks Belong in Blitz so Fight me <3
Some tank haters in Blitz are Unhinged
TFW You're world first gain
Bliz Devs did everything right this time… tell me what I missed.
I wish blizzard had this level of care for us too. (Cheaters in arena, piloted characters to glad R1 for RMT, wintrading in shuffle etc.)
Statement from American Distillers’ President
ProximityVoice working in Retail
Current state of WoW community, based on my anecdotal observations. Disclaimer: this is a joke, if you prefer Classic then more power to you
Maintenance is over
World of Warcraft devs believe WoW’s longevity isn’t because of legacy, but because of the game’s willingness to evolve
WoW promising 3 expansions with a bunch of roadmap deadlines has, paradoxically, helped its devs slow down and take their time: 'The team is really energized'
Convinced myself to get back into Hand painting! Happy to share my Take on Garrosh
Should support-DPS specs be a thing?
Farming Anima in 2025 is painful
IS IT POSSIBLE to ever Balance Tanks In PVP?
Is it true still if you kill the open world pvp bots they mass report you and get you banned?
Is this normal for Battleground Blitz? What's going on.
If they ever make a sequel with a new engine I hope we actually get cities that are as sprawling and dense as the art makes them look.
Yet again, tickets gone in seconds
World PvP
So long as we're talking about Evokers/Dracthyr, it'd be fantastic if they had a body option more like Phase 3 Sarkareth
Do People HATE Tanks that much in Blitz? 2800+MR
Do People HATE Tanks that Much IN Blitz? 2800+MR
I like that RP servers make old zones alive. Elven event in Suramar (Argent Dawn EU server)
I don't know what Eyes of the Beast is good for, but my 3 y/o son loves when we run around with "doggo", so it's awesome! Thanks Blizz.