What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good
What minor injustices still live rent free in your head?
Shout-out the new bands you've found
What knock offs at Aldi and Lidl are as good as, if not better than the ‘originals’ ?
I know a cheap Maserati would be a disaster but…
Mid life crisis
Movies where the protagonist takes revenge after a long time or has to find the antagonist with little information?
What video game have you put the most amount of time into?
Anyone else find it hilarious how easily annoyed drivers get in London?
What is the fastest speed you have driven?
Some of my all time favourite Apprentice quotes
What movie made you dying of laughter all the way through?
What kids TV theme song can you recite word for word?
My DBX 707🥶
Baby due - fun car dilemma
What’s the greatest three song stretch on any album?
First car for tall person
If you zoom in on this body of water on either Apple or Google maps, what is it called? I’m in the US and it now says “Gulf of America.” Did your maps change too?
You only allowed to choose one which one are taking
what if aston goes inline 6 not v12 due to emissions or lowering weight? inline3? fake engine sound? more NoiseVibrationHarshness?
What’s the most expensive thing it’s ok to take home from the office?
Saw this Valkyrie today
Donation number 25 today 🩸
What to do when a "drive it until it dies" car actually dies?
I timed the length of my GP's intro message last week, subtracted that from 8:00am when I rang today and got through being first in the queue.