Its time for the- Rate this flavor out of 10 time!
I’m about to ban Paw Patrol from my household
Can we ban posts that ask to rate your collection?
i got this classic on vinyl yesterday
Are prices usually lower at brick and mortar stores by you?
What's your theroy or opinion on why so few movies have realistic dialogue?
What era of ACDC do you prefer? And which album from that era is your favourite?
Saturday night special
Stay at home days how many hours of screen?
What is your favorite, or most interesting soundtrack you have on vinyl
Back me up…
These stupid bikes on Jamboree this morning. They decided that they just had to cross on a green light across 5 lanes as slow as possible. Can’t stand these bicyclists. So annoying why they’d do this. Acting like they own the damn road.
What model and value does this Gibson Les Paul have?
Favorite Underrated Toppings?
What's a Stupid, Stupid, Stupid Movie You Absolutely love?
You can invite your favorite rock artist over for dinner. Who are you inviting?
Robbed in Irvine today
Concerts: Maybe I’m just getting older, or is it really worth it anymore
Most influential 80s Gen X band?
Amy Heckerling made a movie for the first GenXers (Fast Times at Ridgemont High) and the last GenXers (Clueless)
Collection of Around 1.350 Records
Movies that are Blasphemous to hate, but you still don’t understand what all the fuss is about
Gen X, do you think that the world is becoming a better place?
What is your favorite ’desert’ film?
Anyone else enjoy these books?