For CSE Prelims'25 (Pinned post)
Please someone suggest free mentorship programmes available on telegram for prelims and mains
Aspirant banna tha chπtiya ban gya hoon kuch samajh nahi aa rha hai
1 month the Hindu digital free
Is this enough for history and art and culture
Aur bhai padhai kaisi chal rhi ?
A 10th standard kid tried to demoralize me 😂😂
Do anyone has free telegram group for prelims preparation
Please tell the list of minimum YouTube channel you guys have subscribed for cse
Do these books are helpful ? For ONLY NCERT revision and practice
When CBSE is hIGH.....
how's chem prep going lol
Do someone has disha publication pdf
F#ck integration
These fallen heroes were younger than me when they had sacrificed themselves for the nation ✨
Must watch!! Only Topper Who satisfied my doubts regarding CSE
Seeking help as a junior
Roast my notes
Need help on PSIR preparation.
I am thinking to take PSIR OPTIONAL is it a good choice
how much have you done in chemistry 12thies?
Best pyq for beginners going for 2028 attempt