Decent/new phones with a headphone jack?
What are some good current phones with a headphone jack?
Which workshop add-ons make you feel like this?
Is 50 through West Sac actually closed?
Ranking the copy abilities. The Beetle ability has ended its run in 3rd place. It all comes down to this. Vote for the last ability that you want out.
The flight attendant from "Whole Slotta Love" gets the last laugh by winning Day 9! With that, the chart is complete!
Abigail Lemonparty leaves things nice by winning Day 8! Now for the final square, Day 9: Which Roger persona is a horrible person and least entertaining?
Wild rain in Davis
The votes were too close to call, thus Josay Bosay and Clip-Clop both win Day 7! Now for Day 8: Which Roger persona is morally grey and least entertaining?
Frank Trueblue is essentially the winner of Day 6! Now for Day 7: Which Roger persona is a good person and least entertaining?
The "Meg" of American Dad
Marmalade (not for the table) wins Day 5! Now for Day 6: Which Roger persona is a horrible person and moderately entertaining?
Sac City or Consumnes River CC?
Whose sudden death shocked you?
Americans are so spoiled.
Well. I finally did it. All Cats villagers ( after first having 10 non cats i had to slowly tradeout). Only took me 2.5 years of casual play. Now... what do i do? Lol
Sidney Huffman, the one that got away, wins Day 4! Now for Day 5: Which Roger persona is morally grey and moderately entertaining?
What’s an adult confession you’d never tell your family?
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Ricky Spanish wins Day 3! Now for Day 4: Which Roger persona is a good person and moderately entertaining?
What’s something you have never, and most likely will never believe in?
Jeannie Gold, Planner de Weddingos/Prostituta, wins Day 2! Now for Day 3: Which Roger persona is a horrible person and loved by fans?
Modded Minecraft makes the game look like a custom unreal engine 5 build.
Roland Chang, super positive Asian, wins Day 1! Now for Day 2: Which Roger persona is morally grey and loved by fans?
As requested, we're doing the opinions chart again... with Roger personas only! Day 1: Which Roger persona is a good person and loved by fans?
What is the biggest flaw that humans have?