started my naruto re read.
Midir is the first boss that tempts me to quit a fromsoft game
Posting this here because I started Elden ring yesterday
Darkeater Midir might be the first boss I’m forced to ‘skip’ 😢
The First [Double Murder-Suicide Goomba Stomp%] 63.70s
finally I’ve defeated genichiro
Dlc? Which one
Sword Saint
This Boss gets too much hate... Boss Appreciation Time!
TIL Nameless King is not the final boss.
DS3 sucks...but this is the best move a weapon has in souls.
My little brothers Tierlist of their favourite dark souls 3 bosses
(PS4) can anyone give me souls or weapons anything helps??
What is your favourite dex weapon.
I just finished Dark Souls III and I legitimately teared up
I don’t get it
Final boss vs hardest boss
Soon to finish elden ring, what now?
I’m stuck and need advice
Just started playin bloodborne
Tarnished Vs Bayle The Dread
Best strategy for Ludwig’s 2nd phase?
This is my first play through and I’m doing a dex build what should I level up
How do I beat orphan of kos
gael is actually the greatest