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PEA rempli sur ETF World en lump sum avant la baisse, comment gérer psychologiquement ?
Nouvel ETF MSCI World par Amundi pour PEA !
Frais LU0164870239
Succession 20k € - PEA
Grateful to be a first time father.
[Urgent] Mon père est porté disparu. Qu’est-ce je peux faire ?
My Grandpa less than an hour before he died from complications due to esophageal cancer on 4/13/2022. He was my best friend.
How to destroy them?
What is this ?
Can you please identify which bug this is ?
How much does a knive like this costs ?
What is this bug that came out of my ficus ?
Si vous deviez offrir des vêtements, vous les donneriez à qui et pourquoi ?
Does a mathusalem is more resilient with being cooked ?
How much will I enjoy those ?
[MEGA THREAD] - How Much is My Wine Worth?
Apparently someone thought it would be a good idea to cut a frozen chicken with it …
Quelles livres recommandez vous pour cet été ?
Child watches sad scene ( 3:00 minutes )
In the basement of my air b&b
Best friend and good light, Leitz 15cm Dimaron on Thornton-Picard SLR, Ilford FP4+ 4x5
Fishers caught something strange