Leaked Footage of Soldiers
Leaked Footage (11 mins) 1080p - Ripped from YouTube before takedown
is it worth buying these Amazon brands or saving some money and buying Dewalt or Milwaukee or something like that
F1 Toy McLaren
Found clamp at curb, dropped by elec. utility? What’s it for?
Self-Made Custom Rear Badges - '99 XLT Side Step 3.0
Any home electricians here that can tell me if this is up to code?
Use 220 on/off switch with 110 Volt current??
Its just me or soldiers in this pre-alpha footage looks like British soldiers? Especially helmets and camo which seems to be more like MTP instead of multicam (it's almost the same).
Eberlestock + Mystery Ranch
Artemis II Space Launch System stacking operations in January 2025 [Credit: NASA EGS]
Is this an sma male cable?
Nearly perfect tracking and timing of footage capturing the reentry of Ship 33 after RUD from IFT-7 16 Jan 2025
Harbor Freight just dropped a new dust collector WITH A CANISTER FILTER for $449
How to get this extremely stripped screw off?
Close enough RFtools builder...
What company to cut my glock 19.5 for Acro P2 and Safariland question
Leave A Comment To Win The Unannounced 2025 Bambu Lab 3D Printer & Other Prizes - OctoEverywhere is 5! 🔥
Anyone know what mod this is and ho i can turn it off?
FYI, You Can Purchase Hearing Protection (Even COMTAC V's) With Your Soon-To-Expire FSA (and HSA/HRA) Benefits
FSA Comtac V’s just arrived
Thanks to everyone who recommended the mission medic pack.
Building my Tarkov loadout (airsoft) [IRL]
I'd really appreciate some feedback on these potential pack icons. I'm not a graphic designer by any means actually I'm quite bad at it
TESLA was an Advanced Mind; whose Kindness, Generosity and Brilliance made him a Superhuman