[WTS] Tibor Everglades Like New
Ryze ult camera snap
Good budget fly rod under 100
First Time seriously Salt Water Fishing, gear question
Travel Portal Much Cheaper than Direct. Will I Have a Room?
Is Frozen Heart even still worth it?
Choosing a Hook
Since it’s on sale would this be a good saltwater fly rod for stuff like snook and tarpon only be doing saltwater stuff like 1 time a year
Can Ryze be played adc in high elo
I like these Runes. W gets a nice damage boost earlier, also approach velocity somehow helped with escapes as well.
New rig
Build recommendation from "coachless"
Fly line to leader question
How fucked am I?
AI and Fly Fishing-- my experimentation
Threw something a little ugly together for some mosquito lagoon redfish
Do y’all fish year round or only your preferred season?
Tried making A5
Saltwater question?
#5-6 reel on #4-5 rod?
Does anyone use the SA magnitude full clear line?
Divers cut my line
Why do people rush ROA and not just Seraph's Embrace + Blackfire torch?
Would it be so bad for E and W to be skill shots?