Cardinal State Prison
How it feels sometimes
Fortnite the gathering
I feel like I shouldn’t dress my age.
I think it’s progressing
This disease has made my life hell.
Does hidradenitis burn out?
Movie: "The Shining" is not as good as people claim it is
Corporate Memphis Bayonetta
Do You Think "Millenial Writing" Is Real? And What Are Some Examples?
Weather Wizard Crack Edit
I stole my coworker's lunch for two weeks straight and now I regret it.
Choice Vocabulary?
Will Smith was a terrible Deadshot.
Are kids infiltrating this place?
My Bayonetta drawing
Hey Cai maybe crack down on this shit?
Tomorrow is mine.
What is the most unsettling/disturbing scene in a horror movie that comes to your mind that isn't based on gore?
I’m so over this
What is the greatest animated film of all time?
Shrek looks the same
Is nearly a quarter of Gen Z really queer — or is something else going on?
HS smells?