West Hollywood food recommendations?
Travelling to West Hollywood and driving up to San Francisco
For those that like smaller curved cocks. My 2 favorite cock rings. Your thoughts?
How does it look in the third month?
Jen Gerson: People are giving up on Canada. We should wonder why
My wife’s only photo with her father is so blurry
1 Year result - 3000 grafts FUE
I can't sit cross-legged. Any tips?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Fraxel laser results (3sessions)
N.S. storm: Parts of Cape Breton under state of emergency, 100+ cm of snow possible | Globalnews.ca
In the 80s did parents really just let their kids go out wherever or is this only in movies?
Who was your biggest bust of the season?
Suggestions for a 3 day visit to Cartagena?
Travelling to Colombia
Biggest regret this season?
an average shift in ED triage
The way my fiancé leaves the peanutbutter has me rethinking my choices.
BREAKING NEWS: Ontario court strikes down BILL 124 wage-limiting law for public sector workers
Personal lubricant made from cow mucus may protect against HIV
Ontario patients to be charged daily fee for refusing to leave hospital
Hiddens gems in Prague?
Day 120 - 4 Month Results - FUE Hair Transplant Progress Update - Wow
5 months post-op. 1600 grafts all in the frontal region. Content with the progress so far, but if I’m not mistaken this should only be about 60% of the results so far, correct?
Normalize naming the clinics that botched you in this subreddit, please.