His first CS2 skin! Any feedback would be very helpful.
His First Weapon Skin ever! AK-47 | AQUA PREDATOR
FAMAS | Eye of the Tiger v2 from Steam workshop! Any thoughts?
AK-47 | DREAMS from Steam Workshop! Rate it in comments, guys!
New workshop skin - Zeus / Sparkle!
Unusual effects and bold style | MP7 / Smoking kills!
Individually unusual and beautiful skin from Steam Workshop! AWP | SPACEFRAME
So unique and cool skin from Steam Workshop! USP-S | Phantom Hunter!
Want some Minecraft skin? Glock-18 | Mineblock!
Mac-10 / Tomahawk from Steam Workshop. Rate in the comments!
Sticker : Thermal Handprint (Holo) from Steam Workshop
Brutal new skin from Steam Workshop! AK-47 | Defector.
NOVA / Brave heart from Steam Workshop!
One man got gifted Irl and In game Gut Slaughter. Congrats! That's a great gift!
AK-47 | Wildfire Wolf! WW skin from the workshop!
All new 2025 CS2 Service Medals (Level 1 - 6)
User from Reddit got this case! What's your most expensive drop in CS?
Mac-10 | Emerald Resin. This is his first skin! Let's support him!
Rate this Doppler! Congrats man!
M4A1-S - Speed Demon! New cool skin from Steam Workshop.
AK 47 | Turquoise from Steam Workshop! The author is waiting in the comments for any ideas to improve this skin!
New beautiful medal of Shanghai Major 2024
He pulled out his first knife and it has a 0.03 float! Congrats to this guy!
P250 | Hollowed Spirits. What do you think? Want to see this one in Game?
AK-47 | Embroidery! Let's rate this skin yay!