Why do people back into parking spaces?
What are the must-eat snacks in your opinion?
My dad got my hamster pregnant
Are you guys just taking the jobs that you don't want?
i lost my baby after 16 years
Universal shoes what’s the best
I need help, I can’t seem to quite porn.
POV: It's current day, and you and friends want to mess around in a beater car. Your budget $2000. What do you pick?
Why do dealers display some cars this way? Its not like there's anything exciting to see in those engine bays.
I’d rather drive my old Honda over my new BMW. Am I crazy?
To sell a golf cart
Every vehicle in the world including your car has been K24 swapped! Whats your reaction along with the rest of the world?
In a predicament with two family cars I could potentially own in the future
There's lowballing, and then there's "don't even bother offering"
who actually liked this flavor back in the day
My wife was taking a picture of our windmill to send to her brother and what appeared to be two apparitions were covering the windmill.
Just the saddest episode of TNG...😪
They’re everywhere
What is this?
I can get to the shop 23 miles away with this, right?
Faint voice at end of the video. I write and record music in my spare bedroom. There was no one in the room with me. In this video I wasn't recording music. I was just checking camera placement and chair position for a video I was going to make.
What movie or TV show scared you as a kid? for me it was a movie called the world beyond and it had this mud monster that scared me
sick and tired of my business. Not worth it anymore
Petahhhhh what’s going on here?
Campsite question