Can y’all recommend an AF lens for Nikkon d3100 preferably around 300mm focal length or higher?
Anyone know what this is?
Can any id this plane
Avro Lancaster cwph
Beut 747-4B5 (BCF)
Is radar down rn?
Was summoning for a copy of Teq gods bc I don’t got one and got a dupe of this guy😒 how do I build gogeta
Tulips 🌷
So who are we thinking is better
Who to swap out for the monkeys?
Now that we saw the behemoth that is the 7th Year EZA
The ONLY gecko a child should have!
I have all 6 LRs From this anniversary!
Should I replace agl ui with beast?
Is this guy worth my last 500 coins?
How good is he (want to try him on team below and who do I swap if he is good)
What is this plane ?
As of rn who’s better?
Best build for him?
What is this uav I’ve never seen anything like it before
British airways diverted after crash at yyz also some other stuff I saw on my shift today
What uav is this?
they forgot about this