What rapper beside Tyler is the most liked by Tyler fans ?
2-MMC vs 4-FMA difference in term of high?
Movies to Watch while tripping
Sneaking through airport security
Short-acting stimulants?
Best option to make her feel sexy
2mmc oral is surprising, not because of its potency, but because of its resistance to tolerance and the lack of punishment.
What are some must eat items in Paris
RC (stims) libido enhancing ranking
Did acid in Tokyo last night
Has anyone sampled these? How strong are they?
Mario Mushroom 2CB Double Drop
18mg mushroom tablet (UK) can anyone advise on what I can except to happen etc?
Say his name
VOLT2 review
Got the chance to trip while snowboarding in Japan a couple months ago. Here's a photo from when we were eating lunch mid trip. Was a surreal experience
Anyone knows psychedelic rappers?
Weekday 2cb. How f’d am I the next day?
best song on acid
Did acid all the time as a teen and I am fine
Have yall listened to Tyler on psychedelics?
if tyler the creator did a collaboration album who would collaborate with?
6 apb or 5 mapb for solo music session?
Any way to make my trip stronger exept a higher dose tab?