one chart to explain why UB is in Standard
He ain't leaving alive
What's a Movie That Blew You Away But no one Talks About??
HC4 Card of the ~day: I Forgot To Cast Spell Pierce Last Turn
EPA taps the breaks on refrigerant transition.
If a 'House of Leaves' film were to be made, what would you NEED to see?
What's your favourite prog metal album that is unique and one of a kind? Something that is so different to anything else out there.
[TDM] Stormplain Detainment (Magic Story)
So that might be it for the graphic novels for now?
Question about playing land as a response.
Before and After
Either I misunderstand mana bullying or this article is wrong
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Does Anyone Like David?
Gavin Verhey and Rebecca Shepard speak with GameSpot about Final Fantasy
We started our careers on this subreddit. Now we’re on D&D Beyond. WTH. Our Biggest Giveaway Thank You! [OC]
You just hit 9 mana and have a Tooth and Nail in Hand
Red light shenanigans
Attitude Towards cEDH on Other Magic Subs
You don't owe people your time
A farming county that voted just shy of 70% for trump loses its farm services center, which connected farmers with government programs. This is right before planting season begins.
Jesus forgive me. I am having "buyers remorse" regarding trump... turns out he is a stupid bully... and defibitely does not embody " quick to listen, slow to speak".
The last pages of a journal at a vintage shop
You all need to see this scam
Does this work how I think it does?