UEFA Champions League bracket after the matches today.
Fortnite Hot Take: The Remix season was BAD
Guys we need to talk
It's Real in the quarters
So y'all think there should be throwing knifes in fortnite
Who's hyped for season 2?
what hair color do you prefer on a girl?
2 points closer...
Next season is gonna be F-LAWLESS
I can’t be the only on that think reload is carrying Fortnite rn
Better Not Be Lying About These 2 Fortnite Skins They Said Might Come
I went to with bed w/ 599 sub and woke up to this
John wick's long lost brother
Ramadan muslim who smokes
My mom made this for me on my 13th birthday on the 22 of april last year
Christians on Reddit
I can't stop being arrogant when theres girls nearby
I went to the Turkish Embassy and they sent me this stuff I also got stuff from Malta
Since every chapter nowadays is based on a country's culture, we might get these soon
can you guess the item with 5 hints
How do people reach this levels?
I’m changing my display name but have no idea what to change it to. The comment with most upvotes is my new name!
SALAM, Guyz in EA Fc (A foot ball video game ) they added a sajood celebration for a Muslim Player Named Salah .My question is it fine to play the game.