Is antitheist "amen" just swearing?
Science: you're a worthless clump of atoms
He would've been eaten alive by lions without religion, but ok
Think again
Well then why not go the extra 8 yards and start taxing mosques and sinagogues?
This is just silly, haha.
Coppia gay bloccata in California col bimbo nato con maternità surrogata: al rientro in Italia scatterebbero multa e processo. I due, professionisti tra i trenta e i quarant'anni che vivono ad Arezzo, desideravano un figlio
Sociology for anti-theists.
If God is so into killing children as they claim they should like Him, as killing children is their own sacrament
Since medicine books are written by doctors subject to disease we can't trust medicine
Yes they have
Antitheists teaching us how to believe in God
How did Catherine the Great manage to not get pregnant by her lovers?
Poetry must be scientifically accurate
Dogmatic love for science
We can choose. He chose badly
Because they're freeriding on two thousand years of Christianity?
Wait, weren't we all atheist by nature?
So we must get indoctrination by them to be free thinkers
Referendum cittadinanza
That's big brain
Reasoned Reality... Then he doesn't know bilingualism
If there were a scientific inquisition
Taliban revert to atheism
He's projecting more than a cinema