[Set spoilers] This is the pattern so far this tour
Leprous in Baltimore! They are SO good live!
Fan Chorus Faceless
Just got my ‘24, was thinking of getting an Akra soon. Any opinions on carbon vs titanium?
Opinions on red subarus?
Half the HP, same MPG 💀💀💀 Joined the club today!
Get a load of this guy
Just picked this up in California, drove it back to Michigan via route 66
Pulling out of parking pad, what’s my inside rear tire doing to cause these scratches on the asphalt? Characteristics of the diff or just being RWD?
If you had $5,000 to spend on parts for a stock s550 gt what are you getting? Base model
I joined the club.
What is this car I saw in Brooklyn?
Something with Supra front and rear end, seen in the UK
Two FREE tickets to see Blink 182. Friday May 26th at CFG Bank Arena.
Big Building Very Nice [Interiors nice also]
Screw you, I won
Are those tunnels enough to keep biome spread after hardmode? (they are 3 blocks wide with stone lining on the outside walls) I couldn't find a satisfying answer in the internet so i resort to reddit.
High crime in Republican cities fueled by guns, inequality
“Keep Right, Except to Pass” is a LAW. Why doesn’t PennDOT have signage like other states?
Is Dark Souls 3 your favorite Soulsborne game? Why or why not?
Atheistic Indoor Brunch Options
Customer Service
My neighbor's Crosstrek
First mustang?
Exhaust too loud