Can the 2024 F250 super duty 6.8 gas pull a 10,000 lbs RV (bumper pull) safely? I only move the RV once or twice a year but most times it’s to a different state. I don’t want to damage the truck. Or risk the safety of others.
Super Dutys and Parking Garages
One Chain no lights
Truck Camper vs Travel Trailer
What are these brackets? Dealer says "tie down cleats"
Any funny stories about manual transmission vehicles
What vehicle did you learn to drive a manual transmission in?
What do I drive?
Phone holder options
Correct way to come to a stop, and is my mother doing it wrong?
What am I driving?
Guys with partners going through (or have gone through) menopause - does your partner's vagina feel different during sex - better, worse, different?
Road Conditions
So sad that short shorts season is almost over…
Help me name her
As a guy I feel selfish/guilty most times when having penetrative sex because of knowing most women don’t really come off penetration. And it kills the mood for me. Any words of wisdom?
[FM] Present from hubby before going out
How should a woman ask for sex from her husband?
Do you lose sexual interest in your partner after having been together for many years? Two questions: (1) Is it because she's familiar now and there's nothing exciting left? (2) How did you rekindle the flame, assuming you wanted to keep it going?
What to buy as a step up from BaoFeng UV-5R
Penis owners, how many times can you cum?
Pick One!
My boss accidentally sent me a spreadsheet with everyone’s salaries
My spouse of 6 years and I have a huge height difference. It's weird seeing how often people declare too big of a height difference makes sex inconvenient...Because it really doesn't.