The image from the auction is higher res than the trailer and you can make out a city on the shore. So... Sentinel?
Game board resembled a box too closely, had to sit
OKTA integration in React Js
She's so cool
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Authorization separated by organization
London at night
Ultimate ExpressJS Starter: A Batteries-Included TypeScript Backend for REST APIs
Giveaway - Space Age Expansion
As a dev what is something small that annoys you?
I built a web app tool to create CLI scripts
Jurassic Coast Dorset
Ukrainian marine drones, MAGURA V5, have successfully attacked 14 russian ships, sinking 8. The latest model is equipped with an air-to-air missile, posing a new threat to russian aviation.
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Friday Facts #413 - Gleba
Eid Mubarak!
Discriminated union error. Is it possible to let typescript know that I'm covering all cases and so AVOID TYPE GUARDS?
My dream setup, finally achieved.
Best Practices - Should I pass args to function/method if they live higher up in scope?
I applied for Mid/Senior roles where I match job description, get calls from recruiters and they ask for my salary expectations, I tell them above 40k£s and they say the company is looking for a more senior person.
How Google solved authorization globally across all its products
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