How can I fix this problem (I’m locked out)
Unable to change password (locked out)
I got a 25 character key when I’m on ps5
Looking to trade two PS5 keys for Xbox keys
Ps5 codes instead of xbox
Is This Real? You Can’t Drop The Oathseeker Chest Armor?
Should I get the DLC or DS Remastered?
Umm ok
Who was the most fun boss battle in Elden Ring and why?
Gideon Ofnir Pc
So i killed lord of blood and locked myself out of the white mask
Never expected to first try
Ideas on Elden inspired Tattoos
The poise attack u do on enemies when they r stunned what's the best way to get the highest damage can I just poise swap to a weapon that does high damage with the poise hit and then swap back to my normal weapon?
Need help Fire giant ps5
Summon me for bosses (psx)
Need help with malenia ASAP
There's not a single boss in the entire game that i hate, more than this thing.
Psx W: (moonveil+10 ,magic scorpion charm) or mule H: mule karma ask
“PS5” W: mule few weapon H: anything ask
Psx summon me for all bosses dlc and base game except bayle (no dungeons or caves)
Man I Love Tiermaker
Are my stats good enough for rennala?
Unleash your Inner Mage 🧙