I forgot how many colours!
I think the movie Substance is more about loneliness and how it affect our view
What did Junior do when he had to piss at night?
Ariana Grande automatically married Jesse Pinkman in my save file
Anyone else get suspicious if their plumbob is not glitching a little in the loading screen 😂?
Does anyone know this actor he is so familiar?
Does anyone else create new households every time they play?
S4: E11 “Crawl Space” Was this a foreshadowing?
Accidentally found out my sim was sick from selfies. 🤧😷🤒
If you were dropped into the Breaking Bad universe, what would you do?
Down to only 19 members.
What’s the fastest way you had a sim die unintentionally?
No way to remove flooring at second floor?
Ever just been extra like this in your games?
This show cut right through my years of TV anhedonia. Masterfully put together, so well written, and a kick-ass soundtrack.
the most BAFFLING creative decision in breaking bad
Are you color obsessed like Marie?
Poor Mike
At What Point Do You Think Walt Stopped Solely Doing What He Did For His Family?
Nannies are useless
What is your, “we listen and we don’t judge” on sims
If you drove on an icy highway this morning, you can blame the NB Government
New mug