Hello ENTPs, I have a question for you! For you personally, what makes a good friend?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
I’m crying
hange now :D
sasha cosplay but she accidentally fell and has keptchup on her mouth
How were you guys when you were child
my sasha cosplay for comic-con :)
how often do you text your bcba?
draw me as someone who doesn’t go non verbal at the club from anxiety
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
how long did the whole process take for you?
cosplaying god
Love Language
added the background to this, thank you for everyone who kindly made suggestions :) im so happy about this
People who unsubscribed from their once favorite YouTuber, what made you hit "unsubscribe"?
what have you told your boss at work, like what accommodations/resources have you asked for?
how do yall survive your 9-5s, i feel like im going to die
chat is this real
Rant: Client called me a racial slur
Is the creature that turns Ymir into a titan ever explained?
How would you name this theory if it were real?
made this sonny angel rug for my gf :)
How many books have you read so far in 2025?
I've been out of the fandom loop for a bit--do people still despise Gabi?
What's your weirdest/most unique sensory issue?