Do they ever stop being delusional
My blood is boiling
I hate Ramadan.
Another delusional muslim hijabi feminist.
Found this on twitter.
Oh this looks familiar..
Do you guys think Muhammad was mentally ill and genuinely believed the stuff he was saying, or do you think he deliberately made it all up for power?
What are you currently doing
Why I am staying as a Muslim
Mosque burns in LA
Muslim justifying slavery and rape
Not until he tastes her sweetness🥰
The “impurity” of menstrual blood explained by my Quran teacher.
Serious question.
reading the quran has become so much fun
Muslim majority country bans hijab
Woke up to Quran 4:34 mental gymnastics🥰
1500 year old bible predicted Muhammad?
New Islamic delulu just dropped
“How many rakats in wudu?” You mean this?
Islamic Cleric teaching kids that the Earth does not move and the Sun revolves around the Earth as per the Quran.
Another benefit of women's hijab