X2 COD Points offee
Thinking about moving to Egypt
This is what Israel did in Beirut today.
to the ''ka3ke'', the unsung hero of street food!
Remember way back in the very beginning, when some of the zombies had picked up big rocks to help them bash down glass doors?
Match Thread: Real Madrid vs Barcelona [La Liga]
Why does the lamp light get stronger when government electricity replaces moteur?
MARCA's Full interview with Messi: "One day I will return to Barcelona because it is my home and because I am going to live there. I always want the best for Barcelona. I'm a fan even though I'm not playing there now."
I play CoD strictly for dick and nothing else
AITA for accidentally seeing my roommate's girlfriend naked?
Behold the cycle of fear🌚
I'm gonna be a brain surgeon
Bisexuals are constantly fetishized and judged, and that shit needs to be stopped like yesterday.
This is so cute
If WandaVision was a Disney Cartoon instead...
ويبلش يحكي عن الدستور وهو سارق وقاتل نص البلد
Omg! I can't handle this.. Cuteness overload :)
bruh I'm so sorry
And that's a fact
Fly Me to the Moon
I am still in shock at this behavior, i genuinely thought she was nice and sweet person. Turns out im wrong...
That's gonna be fun
Being horny makes me want to die
Healing Request - Levi has a severe infection and might not have much time 💕🙏🏽
i dont see what the twist is