Help with pen darkening outlines (new to procreate have watched tutorials)
Help me figure out this show!
Anyone else get tired of how much this disease fluctuates?
Bad Sensor?
This is physically impossible I feel like. About to walk into work with no finger sticks :) Think my dexcom is faulty? Ive eaten 48 carbs since in the past hour and a half.
My boyfriend’s (30 M) mother is about to pass away at any moment and I (26 M) need advice. What do I do?
Going to the er right now. I’m super scared
Starting OmniPod 5 and need starter advice.
What order to watch 1000 Stars in?
What order to watch A Tale of 1000 Stars?
What is the best/saddest BL you've never seen?
Cheap low snacks?
heart palpitations
Can someone explain my ECG to me and what I should mention to my Cardiologist when I see them next?
Scared of lows, it's messing me up bad.
Wanna start making more money. But life keeps getting in the way- Any advice on where to start?
Diabetic starting a new job involving a lot of walking advice needed.
One unit and a brisk walk. ONE UNIT AND A BRISK WALK! Happy Birthday to me. Looks like I'm up for the next two hours.
Anyone have this issue with Dexcom?
drinking with type one
I wanna Stargaze in Coudersport, PA for my birthday. It's this Saturday. Will I be able to see the stars past the smoke or should I plan for something else?
Love my sensor. But compression lows.. ugh.
Day like today make me want to get people and gather at congress for peaceful protest.