Question for Korean/local feminists: thoughts on megalia?
The Voice of Space, Oil on Canvas, Rene Magritte, 1928
Does anyone else also feel like "actively synesthesing" is tiring?
Two random questions (mainly for grapheme-color)
What’s the biggest Synesthesia culture shock.
My Latin script
I was bored
dae with ticker-tape synesthesia have a Thing with fonts?
I'm confused on what defines synesthesia and determining if I have it
How do you explain being a shapie?
Mind shapes
how was communication in your early childhood?
do you have an internal monologue?
How different do you guys things in your native language vs in english. This How I visualize the word "proteger" vs how I visualize the word protect
do you have any 'dark' conceptual areas?
memory *problems* as a result of shapie synaesthesia
Quite urgent :)
do your shapes defy laws of physics, etc?
what's your favourite shaped concept?
Shapies who excel at mathematics: can you express your shapes through digits/mathematical concepts?
Teaching myself to have synesthesia
what color is 4
Could synesthesia make this more interesting? 🤔
Does anyone else get vague stories/ impressions from sounds/words/numbers?
What does your brain do?