Matchmaking takes 15/20 minutes on PS5, why?
Ability to play mnk only lobbies
Submit feedback request for warzone to Activision to bring back OG warzone
Friendly name tags above enemy players are getting me killed about 7 times every play session 😂
Ready to drop in Verdansk?
Are they going back to the MW aesthetic? The only showed MW operators in the promo. Even the default MWII Ranger.
If you go on cod’s twitter you can get a #verdanskreplay stats
If nothing else improves at all on April 3rd, I will still be happy to get off this ugly, boring map that is Urzikstan. Good riddance.
My new Coffee Table ☕️
Help me name her!
What on earth did i just see? 🤔
The best thing about this is the open spaces between the POIs, just like Verdansk. Urzikstan is too cluttered. Open spaces creates a better variety of gameplay and endgame circles
I did not hear a single footstep 🤔
SBMM has made K/D (E/D) irrelevant
Been playing Warzone since day 1 Verdansk, Right now it's the absolute sweatiest i've ever seen it. It's just not enjoyable with the current Matchmaking system.
What guns regardless of of meta state just don’t run well for you?
Are snipers actually well balanced right now?
Been playing Warzone since day 1 Verdansk, Right now it's the absolute sweatiest i've ever seen it. SBMM is CRANKED.
I’ve finished the game, ask your questions
This Poor Visibility NONSENSE is STILL a thing, 5 years after people have been complaining about it 🤦♂️
I posted this over 4 years ago... 5 COD releases, 5 Warzone integrations later and visibility is STILL an issue. They're not even trying.
Roze Skin Visibility is a problem.
WTF is wrong with this game
What's your latency vs K/D ratio
He's 4 years old now, but he never grew out of his little duck toy 😭
Jac (Black) and Toby (Yellow) having a snooze 😴