Can Serena be redeemed? Do you want her to be? Do you want something akin to it?
He voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.
elderly women swooning over trump.
As a healer, I shouldn't be punished for my teammates' bad positioning.
Can’t believe I don’t get this.
So you are a good player then ?
For those who were emotionally neglected or abused, are you mad at your parents?
What fictional character do you think best represents CPTSD?
I would have rather had ... survive
My daughter just yelled the most ADHD thing at me
Can we get Leoric in ARAM pretty please Mr. Janitor?
Questions that should be on the ADHD assessment, but aren’t
Silence changes have to be a troll, right?
Imagine Blizzard officially resurrects HotS, and to make it more "current" they roll out a couple heroes that only recently joined or became prominent in their IPs. Who makes the cut?
Heroes of the Storm Live Patch Notes - March 12, 2025
New patch has introduced some crazy bugs
A few of my favorite signs from the protest at city hall
After 10 years of playing Heroes of the Storm, I have only one question left unanswered: Bottom Temple.
The 5 guys you encounter as a woman using voice chat
If you try to picture an apple, what number shows the image you see in your head?
I’m going to be 25 in two months, and I don’t know if I can handle being a 25-year-old nothing. Please give me your “I got my shit together late in life” stories.
Is Trump preparing to invoke the Insurrection Act? Signs are pointing that way
What a gem this game is.
adhd screenshot tribute
Positive affirmations that actually work for people with cPSTD