New arrivals
Guess my favorite band
Instaled game location
Killing is my business XD
Line for vote at Russian embassy in Hague. About 1km length. About 12-00.
Kinda jealous of her, ngl
What is this? (wrong answers only)
What animated movie would you confidently say is a 10/10 masterpiece?
Android 12
pixel 6 battery life. so It's been a month since I use A13 on my p6 . battery life hasn't improved a lot and it runs out approximately for 7 hours of screen off and 1-2 hours screen time.
Battery Drain again. Here is my previous post . So I've got A13 September Patch and so far this gotten even worse. I have tried I think all of methods even with factory reset. What should I do next?
battery drain. I have only 3 hours on screen time after A13 upd. what can I do about it
Twitter users.
Brass Machinery
E-Lawn Mustard
What if Germany collapsed after World War I?
Later losers...
Mods are gay though.
Definitely the Karens
The Cossack Republic (Alt-Hist in Comments)
Karens that matter
Love my phone
Posting a meme everyday for a year: Day 4
*Sad tank engine noises*
My hometown (Petropavlovsk-Kamchtsky, Russia) is 96 miles closer to LA than to Moscow.