The question about aspects always being true and their bonuses
Can I play "Fate Worlds" (Fate Core) with Fate Condensed?
Há algum RPG estilo caçadores de demônios/monstros? O Típico Organização vs. Criaturas Malignas (Que não seja D20)
Are there any demon/monster hunter style Morkborgs? The typical Organization vs. Evil Creatures
Looking for reviews of Play Renegade chronicles for VtM V5 (esp. Wine-Dark Waters)
Order of Divine Warriors - Homebrew Cult
I want discuss abou Demon Slayer (Mork Borg)
I heard that Nimble 5e had its final version released, I'm interested in discussing it
Nimble 5e final
Worst House Rule
Can I reduce the Stains I gain to zero?
Elders in the olders edition
New book and Advanced Rules for create a Ancillae, happy but....
Request - Night's Black Agents
Werewolf 5th are like... Jujutsu Kaisen?
For you, what is the Vampire Magnum Opus rule (all editions)?
Can I exceed the 3 Abilities point limit by spending the extra XP points during character creation?
website to create a map without labels?
Torpor and Aggravated damage
[REQUEST] official 2024 handbook pdf
[Request] Gehenna war
Request: Bloodpunk, a Dnd 5e setting book
Distribuidoras de World of Darkness
Combate Narrativo no D&D 5e?