I convert 16-bit and 24-bit FLACs to OPUS at 320kbps. Is this okay?
Kid Rock Albums Ranked (w/ Scores out of 100)
/r/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread (02/12/2024)
Is the Nintendo Switch a proper gift for someone living in a Third-World (underdeveloped) country?
"Sex and Candy" by Marcy Playground has a different studio version than the music video?
What's your favorite Debian-based Linux distro that ships with GNOME?
How to make a horizontal smartphone stand from a cassette case?
Are Twitch compilation channels on YT dying?
What exactly is Monero XMR syncing on Exodus mobile (Android)?
Free alternative to Audible?
Guess we'll have to pirate COLORS now
Sxmo: Simple X Mobile -- a suckless mobile window manager for postmarketos
An Interesting title
he actually made people guess lmao