What are your thoughts on your SO knowing your reddit username?
Why is Google Maps free?
Hot wheels gift recommendation for boyfriend
Whats a thing you own that you are convinced everyone should go buy right now?
Best show with 2 seasons. Maximum 3.
Confused. Suggestions please
The wilderness south of Jakarta, Indonesia was even more beautiful than I thought it’d be. Very green, lots of waterfalls, and friendly people.
Anything worth exploring around Jakarta?
MBB consulting cv
I feel like I have ran out of good television, I need a well written tv show with an interesting story please.
Should everyone buy health insurance?
Indian men are the biggest hypocrites I'll ever see. (📢Notallmen🎀) Ft. Virginity
What's the most shocking thing you've learned about your SO since being with them?
What perfume do you wear?
What are some obvious signs of girls giving pick me energy?
How do I ask out a deaf girl?
You have to name your children after a Melbourne suburb or area
Guys when you have a boner and put it against your girl’s ass when spooning what do you want her to do?
Family trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi
What is a food you hate everyone else loves?
is there a name for people who drain your social battery fast?
Should I make a move?
What’s a dead YouTube channel that you miss?
Do McKinsey consultants travel business class?