I want a virgin wife, does that make me a misogynist??
How would you survive a zombie apocalypse if it happens.
I want a virgin husband, does that makes me a misandrist?
got groped & almost SA'd and my mom said " don't tell anyone!"
Religious dream that i had in a Sleep paralysis
questions for females
Would women accept a man who gives up ancestral wealth?
Do guys like handmade gifts????
Practicing for a long time finally learnt it
How do I manage my family’s expectations about me?
Am I just unlovable?
Family member harassed me and my mom said that I made a huge deal out of it.
wtaf he was her DAD bro
being single is killing me inside
My Mom Is Alone After My Dad’s Passing, but My GF Doesn’t Want Me Visiting Her often
LLB wala hai koi yaha par
Update: I messed up further
Anybody who cracked Ailet?
I feel embarassing because iam still a virgin
Reading so many stories on Reddit. It is really concerning how a loyal soft hearted person will survive in this world?
How hard is it for Indian men to just be a normal decent human being.
How hard is it for Indian men to be a basic decent human being?