How can I qualify for medically assisted death?
In his 20 year political career, can you name something Pierre Poilievre has done to benefit Canadians?
Resign Smith!
Stupid question.
Danielle Smith paid over $5,000 per bottle of Tylenol received from MHCare using taxpayers’ money
Thanks hatters
After propping up a company that did nothing but fail Albertan's at best, the UCP awards Sam Mraiche of MHcare with the 'Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal'
Trump is golfing once again today. Trump has now been on vacation 16 out of his 29 days in office so far, and his flights to Florida have cost taxpayers an estimated $13.6 million. It begs the question: Where the hell is DOGE? 🤷 I
Jokes on the UCP, the internet is forever
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How do we create real change?
For canada
Alberta's special hunting licences yield $356K at Utah auction
Some promises the UCP made back in 2022 or something 🤔 How many of these have they actually done?
Please don’t plow my street.
Smith is an embarrassment to Canadians
Happy National Flag of Canada Day!!!!🇨🇦
Alberta MLA says federal child care funding unsustainable
Dear Alberta, would you please lay out, preferably in point form, the political issues you have with the federal government? What issues are leading you to want to separate from the rest of Canada? Thank you
Freedom for an ideal or Freedom for real?
Where to buy: 6% hydrogen peroxide?
No GP!
A warning from an America who understand America and Americans.
Refining lite sweet crude
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith facing resignation calls amid scandal