What game do you enjoy regardless of how much hate it gets online?
Dead Man's Cut - Coming Soon
Both my hobbies are expensive. Guess which one was more.
Which one are you choosing
What movie had you like this?
I thought it was gonna be a hit! Turns out it fuckin’ SUCKS!
First purchases after playing starter set for 2 months. Good picks?
It's important to have fun. Shooting guns is fun.
My current stuff
This 90s kid can't do it.
Longest zipline... it's fascinating and takes your breath away
Help me like Paul Ulibarri’s commentary more
Johnny’s back! Johnny 2 Towels/Discdye.com presents Raffle #31🔥 8 discs = 8 winners (plus a bonus 9th winner gets a Discmania Fanatic Go backpack)!! Details below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
This drink has dope outrun graphics
Thinking about the blood bonds I spent on cleaning weapons.
Wrong quotes only
AGL discs now Manufactured by Innova.
Celebrating 7 Years of Hunt!
to whoever stole the stickers off my car
Only like three of these are actually serious, I imagine you can guess which
Bioshock inspired table lamps
On campus today (University of Texas at El Paso)
This is how we do it!!
Bellingham cafe employees alleging unfair labor practices walk off the job, launch protest